Many people put their heart and soul into the plants they grow over the years. When the time comes to move, the question becomes how to safely relocate the plants, but you can find some tips about moving plants here.

For some people, moving is a sign of positive changes in life – a new home, usually with better conditions. Moving always involves a pleasant effort, including packing and buying new furniture and household appliances. Usually, plants are among the items that travel with homeowners to a new home.

Moving plants is not a simple matter and requires consideration of many details. If you have never made a plant move over a long distance, you should prepare carefully to get everything right.

We have created a small guide detailing all the precautions that need to be taken when moving plants.

What are the typical problems when moving plants?

Whether you have decided to ship plants for yourself or hire a shipping company you should think about several things. Usual problems that arise with plants during relocation focus around preservation of plants, light, temperature and shortage of water.

Since the plants are very fragile, they can easily break during transportation. If you transport the plants a long distance, they may suffer from lack of water. In winter, the plants may suffer from cold weather. In the hot season, the plants are likely to experience some shock and may wilt.

Also keep in mind that there are set rules for moving plants, that may vary from country to country.

Does moving plants stress them?

Yes, transportation stresses plants. They are living organisms and can react negatively to a change in their usual environment. It is important to prepare the plants in advance for the move to reduce the potential stress that can cause them to wilt.

How to move plants?

With the right preparations, these problems can be overcome. Careful maintenance and early preparation would help your plants survive the move with minimal losses. And after the move, your plants will continue to bring you joy in your new home.

So how do you prepare for the move of your plants?

Choose the right pot

Many plants break during shipping. Move your plants to break-resistant containers three weeks before moving. It is important to do this in advance so the plants have time to get used to the new pots. Repotting your plants on the day of transport will unnecessarily stress them, which can negatively affect their condition later. Break-resistant containers will prevent the roots of the plants from breaking during transport.

Even if you want to use services of the shipping company, it is better to repot your plants into shatterproof containers. If you decide to transport the plants on your own, even if you are sure that you can transport the plants without damaging them, you should think twice. It would probably be a good idea to take precautions and repot the plants in shatterproof containers.

Prune the plants in advance

If you are worried that plants would take too much place in the car, prune the plants in 2 weeks before shipping. The pruning also should be done in advance to save plants from unnecessary stress on the day of moving to a new environment.

Water well

Water your plants extensively two days before shipping. Do not water the plants after that until they are in the new house. If the soil is wet during shipping, it could freeze in cold weather or provide a good environment for fungi.

How to pack plants for moving?

Packing plants for shipping depends largely on how you plan to transport them – with a shipping company or on your own. If you plan to transport the plants in your own car, pack small plants in a large, open box, and the large plants should be placed upright on the ground.

If you prefer to transport the plants with a professional moving company, you should follow some tips.

1.  Before you put the plants in the box – tape the bottom of the box to minimize the risk of the plants falling down.

2.    Cover the pots with plastic bags to prevent the soil spillage.

3.    Put the covered small plants into the crate with taped bottom.

4. To prevent the pots from breaking, fill the empty spaces in the box with packing material such as paper or bubble wrap.

5.    Make some holes in the box to let the air flow into the box

6.    Seal the box.

7.    Write on the side of the box that the cargo inside is fragile.

If the plant is too large to transport, consider cutting it. This may be the happy medium between leaving the plant in its old spot and shipping the plant risking destroying it. Before you make a cut, carefully consider whether it is possible to regrow a plant from a cut of this specific type. If so, make sure you use clean scissors to cut off a piece of the plant. Learn which part of the plant you can cut off. This is important because if you cut off the wrong part, you can spoil the plant.

Transporting the cutting is not difficult – wrap it in a damp towel and place it in a container that will remain closed throughout the trip. It is important to keep the towel moist – so if you plan to travel far, check the condition of the towel from time to time. Once you arrive at a new home, you should propagate the cutting.

What to do after the transportation as you arrive at a new place?

Unpack your plants as soon as possible. It is better to return the plants to the same pots or size as before the move. Place the plants where they will be exposed to sunlight and good air circulation. Be sure to provide plenty of water.

Plants need tender loving care. Keep an eye on your plants in a few weeks to make sure they have not suffered any shock and are doing well.


Moving in itself is not an easy task. Moving plants to a new place requires certain precautions. If you follow the tips mentioned in this article, you can safely transport your favorite plants to a new home.

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