Taking the time to properly interview prospective movers can save you quite a bit of money and heartache in the long run. Generally speaking, a comprehensive estimate should take about an hour, and it is best to take care of it all on the same day, with a 2-hour space in between them. By going through the estimates on the same day, they will still be fresh in your mind, and you can use the 2-hour interval to take notes to help you make a prudent and informed decision.
Your significant other should also take an active role in the estimate process, as they may see things very differently, and having an extra set of eyes and ears can help you see things that you may have missed. The walkthrough that you take the movers through should also be thorough. In other words, ensure to show them the basement, attic, garage, and any other items that they will need to handle on the big day. The estimate’s wording should be clear and accurate. That is, avoid using words like “going” as going can imply going to the new residence or going away, as in staying behind. Next, make sure that you obtain a written form of the agreement from each of the companies that you are considering hiring and to crosscheck for any discrepancies.
This is the time to get to know the company inside and out. After all, these people will be moving your most precious belongings, and little details or perks can help set apart the company that will deliver top quality service. Pricing and dates also tend to go hand in hand in the moving industry, so if the best price is a priority then prepare to be flexible with the moving dates. However, if an assured date on a diminutive load is your number one priority, then you should be prepared to pay more money for the speedy turnaround.
Packing and unpacking should also be factored into forming an accurate estimate. For instance, most moving companies will provide you with a list of the size of the cartons as well as the number of cartons you’ll require from each estimator; regardless of whether or not you are planning on packing yourself. In some cases, you may think that a given estimator provides great value with their estimate, so you may ask them to take care of the packing. In some other cases, the price may be too steep, so you may opt to pack yourself to save some money. Finally, if you do decide to let the movers pack, then you can make up for the added cost by getting rid of any undesirable items while they are packing. This will allow you to lower packing costs, as there will be fewer boxes in the end, as well as lower shipping costs, as the weight of the boxes will be lower because there will be fewer items to pack.